- Review the product backlog and create high-level marketing material based on each product backlog items.
- Contribute to the product backlog.
- Meet with the product owner and discuss the priorities for the next sprint.
- Attend the daily 10 minute stand-up sprints meeting (especially the ones toward the end of a sprint) so that you get periodic updates on what is going on.
- Attend sprint review meetings so that you get a demo of the newly developed features.
- Review product roadmap with product owners and scrum master and discuss which sprints (and dates of the sprints) will cover which high-level features that have been sketch out on the road map.
- When publishing hard-copy material ensure product features are explained at a 'high level' and publish the 'detail' on-line.
The Product Marketing Manager like the Product Manager is duty bound to adopt an agile approach to work in-order to secure the competitive edge for both the product they are marketing and for their own career aspirations.
Read also Agile People Working in a Non-agile world
and Implementing an Agile sales framework
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